3 월 14 일 > 선곡표

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3 월 14 일

페이지 정보

작성자 작성일2021.03.19 조회1,716회 댓글0건


1. lost in emotion -- Lisa Lisa & Cult Jam

2. I'll be loving you (forever) -- New Kids On The Block

3. now that we found love -- Heavy D and The Boyz

4. It only hurts when I breathe -- Player

5. just a little lovin' -- shelby lynne

6. all out of love -- Westlife

7. hot blooded -- Foreigner

8. ging gang goolly -- Inner Kneipe

9. when you tell me that you love (duet with Dolly Parton) -- Julio Iglesias

10. a horse with no name -- America

11. yesterday yes a day -- Jane Birkin 


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